
Officially over 100 published posts

This is my 101th post to this blog. I don't know if I will keep on posting on my blog because I might forget or become too busy, but I will make sure to remember it. This Blog will also be a memory of the things I have learned, and done my junior year in my English class.



What I made for the last day


Finals is over... almost

I have finished all of my finals I am going to have this year, except for my math final. I am proud of the work that I have put in, and the effort I have put in to learn what I can. I will study hard to get ready for my math final. I hope that everybody has a great  week of school because this is the last one.


I could not post it yesterday. I will try to find another way today.

Good morning

Today is the last day I will have this class. I hope that everyone has a great day and that somebody has learned great things from this class